Friday, October 29, 2010

And then there were four...

Our Spring baby was born one stormy night in September. We named her Zoe which seems fitting as the name means "Life". There was something magical to me about the night she was born. She was a big girl at 4.35kg and 54cm long. Zoe and her big brother have been keeping me busy!

Bringing Zoe home.

Sleeping on Daddy.


Abbigail said...

She is beautiful! I loved looking at your blog and seeing another mother try to incorporate art into the children's lives.
All the best with your second. My second just turned six months. Where does the time go?

Katrina Jackson said...

I didn't know you had a baby named Zoe! That is exactly why we named our firstborn, Zoe. "Life". After trying for so long to get her here, it seemed appropriate.